Sunday, September 16, 2007

Here At The Mythoklastic Therapy Institute

Here at the Mythoklastic Therapy Institute (MTI), our crack team of highly trained researchers has been making tremendous strides. But no one has noticed, because our patron goddess, History, has been dictating raw empirical data to us (via experience & observation) faster than we can translate it into decipherable human language and copy it down on paper (or cypberpaper, as the case may be). Moreover, according to our esteemed founder and chief amanuensis, Dr. Hobart Q. Zeitgeist, our findings have thusfar proven to be so outrageously heretical as to have literally frightened away our biggest block of potential supporters. That is to say: we've got us a marketing problem. All of that notwithstanding, we here at the Mythoklastic Therapy Institute are proud of the progress we've been making, particularly in the area of History Therapy, and most recently in addressing the limits of democracy and how said limits might most effectively be surmounted, transcended or circumvented. Even here at the institute, however, we have our dissidents, who, from time to time, file their minority report. For instance, just last week, one small cadre of white-jacketed hard-sniffing fact-sifters filed just such a minority report at our Tuesday afternoon executive committee meeting, in which they argued forcefully for a position which might best be summed up thusly: That humankind is not worth saving.

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